











4、 国家自然科学基金:珠江口中华白海豚的遗传结构与健康状况分析

5、 国际合作项目:珠江口海域环境污染与中华白海豚健康


7、 国家科技支撑计划:港珠澳大桥跨海集群工程建设关键技术研究与示范(子课题)



(1) Duan Gui, Ri-Qing Yu, Leszek Karczmarski*, YulongDing, Haifei Zhang, Yong Sun, Mei Zhang, and Yuping Wu* .SpatiotemporalTrends of Heavy Metals in Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins (Sousa chinensis)from the Western Pearl River Estuary, China. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2017, 51,1848-1858

(2) Duan Gu, Leszek Karczmarski*, Ri-Qing Yu, StephaniePlön, Laiguo Chen, Qin Tu, Geremy Cliff, Yuping Wu*. Profiling andSpatial Variation Analysis of Persistent Organic Pollutants in South AfricanDelphinids. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2016, 50, 4008−4017.

(3) Leszek Karczmarski, Shiang-Lin Huang, Carmen K.M. Or, Duan Gui, StephenC.Y. Chan, Wenzhi Lin,Yuping Wu*. Chapter Two-Humpback Dolphins in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta:Status, Threats and Conservation Challenges. Advances in MarineBiology, 2016, 73, 27-64.

(4)Xiyang Zhang, Wenzhi Lin, Ruilian Zhou, Duan Gui, Xinjian Yu, Yuping Wu*.    Low Major Histocompatibility Complex ClassII (MHC II) Variation in the Endangered Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphin (Sousachinensis): Inferences about the Role of Balancing Selection. Journal ofHeredity, 2016,107(2):143~152.

(5) Wenzhi Lin, Leszek Karczmarski*, Jia Xia,Xiyang Zhang, Xinjian Yu, Yuping Wu*. Increased human occupation andagricultural development accelerates the population contraction of an estuarinedelphinid. Scientific Reports, 2016,6:35713.

(6)Ruiqiang Zheng#, Leszek Karczmarski#.*,Wenzhi Lin,StephenC. Y. Chan, Wei-Lun Chang, Yuping Wu*. Infanticide in the Indo-Pacifichumpback dolphin (Sousa chinensis). J Ethol., 2016, 34:299–307.

(7) KuntongJia, Liang Ding, Lingli Zhang, Mei Zhang, Meisheng Yi*, Yuping Wu*. In vitro assessment of environmental stress ofpersistent organic pollutants on the Indo-Pacific humpbackdolphin. Toxicology in Vitro, 2015, 30, 529-535.

(8) Duan Gui, Riqing Yu, Xuan He, Qin Tu,Laiguo Chen*, Yuping Wu* .Bioaccumulation and biomagnification of persistent organic pollutants inIndo-Pacific humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis) from the Pearl RiverEstuary, China. Chemosphere, 2014,114:106-113.

(9) Duan Gui, Riqing Yu, Xuan He, Qin Tu, Yuping Wu*. Tissue Distribution andFate of Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphinsfrom the Pearl River Estuary, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2014,86:266-273.

(10) Duan Gui, Riqing Yu, Yong Sun, LaiguoChen, Qin Tu, Hui Mo, Yuping Wu*Mercury and Selenium in Stranded Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins andImplications for their Trophic Transfer in Food Chains. PLOS ONE, 2014, 9(10):e110336.

(11) Kuntong Jia, Wenzhi Lin, Duan Gui#, Leszek Karczmarski*, Yuping Wu*.Molecular evidence reveals the distinctiveness of Indo-Pacific finlessporpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides) in the Pearl River Estuary andinsights into genus Neophocaena’s origin. 2014, Marine Biology, 2014,161:1919-1930.

(12) Wenzhi Lin, Céline H. Frère*, LeszekKarczmarski*, Jia Xia, Gui Duan, YupingWu*. Phylogeography of the finless porpoise (genus Neophocaena):testing the stepwise divergence hypothesis in the northwestern Pacific.Scientific Reports, 2014, 4: 6572.

(13) Wei Jin, Kuntong Jia, Lili Yang, JialinChen, Yuping Wu*, Meisheng Yi*.Derivation and characterization of cell cultures from the skin of theIndo-Pacific humpback dolphin Sousa chinensis. In VitroCell.Dev.Biol.—Animal, 2013, 49: 449-457.

(14) Duan Gui#, Kuntong Jia#, Jia Xia, Lili Yang, Jialin Chen, Yuping Wu*, Meisheng Yi*. De novoAssembly of the Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphin Leucocyte Transcriptome toIdentify Putative Genes Involved in the Aquatic Adaptation and Immune Response.PLOS ONE, 2013, 8(8): e72417.

(15) Shiang-Lin Huang, Leszek Karczmarski,Jialin Chen, Ruilian Zhou, Wenzhi Lin, Haifei Zhang, Haiyan Li, Yuping Wu*. Demography and populationtrends of the largest population of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins. BiologicalConservation, 2012, 147:234-242.

(16) Wenzhi Lin, Lihong Chang, Céline H.Frère, Ruilian Zhou,Jialin Chen, Xi Chen, YupingWu*. Differentiated or not: current knowledge about genetic structure of Sousachinensis in China. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology,2012, 416-417:17-20.