1998年,获新奥门31999高分子研究所博士研究生学位;现任新奥门31999海洋学院教授,博士研究生导师,海洋微生物功能分子广东省高校重点实验室副主任。2003-2004年美国弗吉尼亚大学访问学者。2018,2019年两次参与“新奥门31999南海科学考察”西沙航次,并担任2019年西沙航次首席科学家。研究方向主要为海洋天然产物的发现及应用。主要从事海洋天然产物的分离提取,结构鉴定,有机合成,活性化合物的结构修饰和构效关系研究工作,先后主持和承担了863计划项目,国家自然科学基金,国家海洋公益性行业专项等10余项课题。在Tetrahedron、Organic Letter、J. Chromatogr、Planta Medica.、Mar. Drugs等杂志发表论文60余篇,获授权专利发明10余项。
联系方式:[email protected]
本课题组长期招聘具有海洋天然产物,分子生物学,化学生物学, 有机合成,酶催化,药理学背景的博士后与专职科研人员。
1. 国家自然科学基金:南海红树林真菌抗肿瘤活性代谢产物研究
2. 国家自然科学基金:用分子烙印技术分离手性药物对映体的研究
3. 国家公益性行业(海洋)专项:海洋微生物小分子化合物资源库构建及药源活性物质的筛选应用(子课题)
4. 高校科研基本业务费项目:南海红树林真菌BL321活性次生代谢产物的分离和结构改造
5. 广东省自然科学基金:纤维素类手性固定相分离药物对映体的研究
- Minghua Jiang , Heng Guo , Qilin Wu, Siwen Yuan and Lan Liu *.Two New Picoline-Derived Meroterpenoids with Anti-Acetylcholinesterase Activity from Ascidian-Derived Fungus Amphichorda felinaMolecules .2022, 27(16), 5076;
- Senhua Chen, Heng Guo, Minghua Jiang, Qilin Wu, Jing Li, Hongjie Shen* and Lan Liu*.Mono-and Dimeric Xanthones with Anti-Glioma and Anti-Inflammatory Activities from the Ascidian-Derived Fungus Diaporthe sp. SYSU-MS4722[J]. Marine drugs,2022, 20(1), 51
- Siwen Yuan, Senhua Chen,Heng Guo, Litong Chen, Hongjie Shen, Lan Liu*and Zhizeng Gao*.Elucidation of the Complete Biosynthetic Pathway of Phomoxanthone A and Identification of a Para–Para Selective Phenol Coupling Dimerase[J]. Organic letters, 2022,24-16.
- Guifa Zhai, Senhua Chen* , Hongjie Shen, Heng Guo, Minghua Jiang and Lan Liu*.Bioactive Monoterpenes and Polyketides from the Ascidian-Derived Fungus Diaporthe sp. SYSU-MS4722 [J]. Marine drugs,2022, 20(9), 553
- Senhua Chen,Hongjie Shen,Yanlian Deng,Heng Guo,Minghua Jiang,Zhenger Wu,Huimin Yin,Lan Liu*. Roussoelins A and B: two phenols with antioxidant capacity from ascidian‑derived fungus Roussoella siamensis SYSU‑MS4723[J]. Marine Life Science & Technology, 2021, 3(1):69-76.
- Xinjian Yin, Litong Chen, Siwen Yuan, Lan Liu, Zhizeng Gao*, A robust high-throughput fluorescent polarization assay for the evaluation and screening of SARS-CoV-2 fusion inhibitors, Bioorganic Chemistry, 116 (2021) 105362.
- Ni Pan, Zicheng Li , Zhihong Li, Senhua Chen, Minghua Jiang , Hanyan Yang, Yaosheng Liu,Ruihu, Yuwei Zeng, Lehui Dai, Lan Liu* and Guanlei Wang*.Antiplatelet and Antithrombotic Effects of Isaridin E Isolated from the Marine-Derived Fungus via Downregulating the PI3K/Akt Signaling Pathway[J]. Marine drugs,2022, 20(1), 23
- Minghua Jiang, Zhenger Wu, Lan Liu* and Senhua Chen *. The chemistry and biology of fungal meroterpenoids (2009–2019)[J]. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry.2020.19, 1644–1704
- Minghua Jiang,Senhua Chen*,Jing Li,Lan Liu*.The Biological and Chemical Diversity of Tetramic Acid Compounds from Marine-Derived Microorganisms[J]. Marine Drugs,2020,18(2):114.
- Panpan Zhang,Yanlian Deng,Xiaojing Lin, Bin Chen, Jing Li, Hongju Liu, Senhua Chen,*and Lan Liu*. Anti-inflammatory Mono-and Dimeric Sorbicillinoids from the Marine-Derived Fungus Trichoderma reesei 4670[J]. Journal of natural products,2019,82(4), 947-957.
- Senhua Chen, Hongjie Shen, Panpan Zhang, Hongwei Cheng, Xinliang Dai*, Lan Liu*. Anti-glioma trichobamide A with an unprecedented tetrahydro-5 H-furo [2, 3-b] pyrrol-5-one functionality from ascidian-derived fungus Trichobotrys effuse 4729[J].Chemical Communications, 2019, 55(10): 1438-1441.
- Yan Chen, Zhaoming Liu, Hongju Liu, Yahong Pan, Jing Li, Lan Liu* and Zhigang She. Dichloroisocoumarins with Potential Anti-Inflammatory Activity from the Mangrove Endophytic Fungus Ascomycota sp. CYSK-4[J]. Marine drugs, 2018, 16(2): 54
- Minghua Jiang , Heng Guo , Qilin Wu, Siwen Yuan and Lan Liu *.Two New Picoline-Derived Meroterpenoids with Anti-Acetylcholinesterase Activity from Ascidian-Derived Fungus Amphichorda felinaMolecules .2022, 27(16), 5076;
- Senhua Chen, Heng Guo, Minghua Jiang, Qilin Wu, Jing Li, Hongjie Shen* and Lan Liu*.Mono-and Dimeric Xanthones with Anti-Glioma and Anti-Inflammatory Activities from the Ascidian-Derived Fungus Diaporthe sp. SYSU-MS4722[J]. Marine drugs,2022, 20(1), 51
- Siwen Yuan, Senhua Chen,Heng Guo, Litong Chen, Hongjie Shen, Lan Liu*and Zhizeng Gao*.Elucidation of the Complete Biosynthetic Pathway of Phomoxanthone A and Identification of a Para–Para Selective Phenol Coupling Dimerase[J]. Organic letters, 2022,24-16.
- Guifa Zhai, Senhua Chen* , Hongjie Shen, Heng Guo, Minghua Jiang and Lan Liu*.Bioactive Monoterpenes and Polyketides from the Ascidian-Derived Fungus Diaporthe sp. SYSU-MS4722 [J]. Marine drugs,2022, 20(9), 553
- Senhua Chen,Hongjie Shen,Yanlian Deng,Heng Guo,Minghua Jiang,Zhenger Wu,Huimin Yin,Lan Liu*. Roussoelins A and B: two phenols with antioxidant capacity from ascidian‑derived fungus Roussoella siamensis SYSU‑MS4723[J]. Marine Life Science & Technology, 2021, 3(1):69-76.
- Xinjian Yin, Litong Chen, Siwen Yuan, Lan Liu, Zhizeng Gao*, A robust high-throughput fluorescent polarization assay for the evaluation and screening of SARS-CoV-2 fusion inhibitors, Bioorganic Chemistry, 116 (2021) 105362.
- Ni Pan, Zicheng Li , Zhihong Li, Senhua Chen, Minghua Jiang , Hanyan Yang, Yaosheng Liu,Ruihu, Yuwei Zeng, Lehui Dai, Lan Liu* and Guanlei Wang*.Antiplatelet and Antithrombotic Effects of Isaridin E Isolated from the Marine-Derived Fungus via Downregulating the PI3K/Akt Signaling Pathway[J]. Marine drugs,2022, 20(1), 23
- Minghua Jiang, Zhenger Wu, Lan Liu* and Senhua Chen *. The chemistry and biology of fungal meroterpenoids (2009–2019)[J]. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry.2020.19, 1644–1704
- Minghua Jiang,Senhua Chen*,Jing Li,Lan Liu*.The Biological and Chemical Diversity of Tetramic Acid Compounds from Marine-Derived Microorganisms[J]. Marine Drugs,2020,18(2):114.
- Panpan Zhang,Yanlian Deng,Xiaojing Lin, Bin Chen, Jing Li, Hongju Liu, Senhua Chen,*and Lan Liu*. Anti-inflammatory Mono-and Dimeric Sorbicillinoids from the Marine-Derived Fungus Trichoderma reesei 4670[J]. Journal of natural products,2019,82(4), 947-957.
- Senhua Chen, Hongjie Shen, Panpan Zhang, Hongwei Cheng, Xinliang Dai*, Lan Liu*. Anti-glioma trichobamide A with an unprecedented tetrahydro-5 H-furo [2, 3-b] pyrrol-5-one functionality from ascidian-derived fungus Trichobotrys effuse 4729[J].Chemical Communications, 2019, 55(10): 1438-1441.
- Yan Chen, Zhaoming Liu, Hongju Liu, Yahong Pan, Jing Li, Lan Liu* and Zhigang She. Dichloroisocoumarins with Potential Anti-Inflammatory Activity from the Mangrove Endophytic Fungus Ascomycota sp. CYSK-4[J]. Marine drugs, 2018, 16(2): 54
- New Lasiodiplodins from mangrove endophytic fungus Lasiodiplodia sp 318#. Natural product research, 2017, 31(3): 326-332.
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- A new Secondary metabolites of the crinoid (Comanthina schlegeli) associated fungus Alternaria brassicae 93. Natural product research, 2016, 30(20): 2305-2310.
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- A New Terminal Cyano Group-containing Benzodiazepine Alkaloid from the Mangrove Endophytic Fungus Penicillium sp. Natural product research, 2015, 10(9): 1549-1551.
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